Dr. Paloma Marí-Beffa

Paloma is the primary supervisor for my Ph.D. and also supervised my MSc project.
PI of the Executive Functions Lab at Bangor University. She has the unavoidable need to explain everyday behaviour by considering what happens inside the brain.
I originally started research in Selective Attention and Cognitive Control at Granada University, Spain and later for my PhD at University of Almeria, Spain. My interest in Executive Functions consolidated after moving to Bangor University, in 1998. I take an approach that lies within Cognitive and Applied Neuropsychology, applying this knowledge to a wide range of behaviour. I am not limited to one type of method, and instead have used a variety of paradigms (Task Switching, Go-NoGo, Stroop, Priming, ANT, Episodic Memory), populations (Schizophrenia, Schizotypia, Multiple Schlerosis, Down Syndrome, adults born prematurely, older adults, Martial Artists) and techniques (Reaction Times, Questionnaires, Event Related Potentials, Transcranial Magnetic Resonance, 3D virtual environment). I am currently fascinated by ways in which we can boost these executive functions, from the use of verbal instructions, curiosity, concentration and Martial Arts.
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